We’ve been snowed in with a major blizzard for the last 2 days. I love when this happens. It’s a reminder from God for us to slow down. We rush, we plan, we push to get things done; and then God has a gentle way of reminding us who’s the boss with 20 inches of snow and 35 mph winds.
Since I could work from home, I took a nap during the time I’d normally be on my commute home or running an errand somewhere. It was really really nice. I dread the cleared streets that I will have to drive tomorrow morning. However, something interesting happened when I woke up this evening from my nap. My eyes veered directly towards the television in anticipation of the entertainment it was about to give me. It made me wonder when we became so reliant on television or the internet (I check my email/facebook constantly throughout the day) to occupy our day with entertainment. It’s easy but I think we lose something. We lose the ability to entertain ourselves, to be content with our thoughts, to explore ourselves. Think about it. How many times in a day do you have nothing to do but think? It’s kind of scary when you do come across those times, isn’t it? You’re out of practice of what to do with those unfiltered, unedited thoughts. So, more than I like, I just turn on the TV or a movie or the computer. I take the easy way out of fast entertainment instead of reveling in those quiet times to discover myself. Television tries to tell us what to find amusing, what to laugh at, what is important, what is bad, what is good, etc… Our reliance on television robs us of the ability to define ourselves, our thoughts, and our own sense of creativity. How can you discover yourself when you have all that noise coming in?
Since I could work from home, I took a nap during the time I’d normally be on my commute home or running an errand somewhere. It was really really nice. I dread the cleared streets that I will have to drive tomorrow morning. However, something interesting happened when I woke up this evening from my nap. My eyes veered directly towards the television in anticipation of the entertainment it was about to give me. It made me wonder when we became so reliant on television or the internet (I check my email/facebook constantly throughout the day) to occupy our day with entertainment. It’s easy but I think we lose something. We lose the ability to entertain ourselves, to be content with our thoughts, to explore ourselves. Think about it. How many times in a day do you have nothing to do but think? It’s kind of scary when you do come across those times, isn’t it? You’re out of practice of what to do with those unfiltered, unedited thoughts. So, more than I like, I just turn on the TV or a movie or the computer. I take the easy way out of fast entertainment instead of reveling in those quiet times to discover myself. Television tries to tell us what to find amusing, what to laugh at, what is important, what is bad, what is good, etc… Our reliance on television robs us of the ability to define ourselves, our thoughts, and our own sense of creativity. How can you discover yourself when you have all that noise coming in?
Television is not evil, by any means. It’s similar to money. The objects themselves aren’t evil but the way in which we use it can turn poisonous. My goal is to keep television in its place. I want to enjoy those quiet times when I settle in from a long day instead of wondering what day it is and what TV show is broadcasting. I want to become more content with myself even in my loneliness instead of allowing TV to help me forget. I want to be fine with being bored. And, I want to learn how to entertain myself with my own creativity instead of borrowing it from the television.
In short, I’m going to learn to paint. Thanks for tuning in, good night.
Quite interesting and thoughtful, I love your goal at the end, I think it's all about being conscious of ones self and environment and knowing exactly what you want.
A comment from Wusen?? I'm happily surprised. Thanks for your message. I'm headed to the crafts store today before I renig on my own promise.
I really liked this post (now that I finally am reading it). More please.
omg, as soon as you said facebook, you reminded me i haven't checked mine in more than one day. brb.
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