Sunday, April 11, 2010

Farm Fresh

When I was a kid, my mom used to take me and my brother to Farm Fresh after church service to get our cookie. It was our tradition and I loved it. I don’t remember a Sunday that we didn’t do that, unless we just plain missed church. It was kind of like our reward for being good in church.

Well now I have a new type of farm fresh. I’m literally getting my groceries from a farm now. And I just had my very first farm-fresh egg. I feel a little different in a very good way. It’s like I ate a little bit of sunshine. And I normally don’t ever feel this way when I’ve been working since 7 in the morning on a Friday. But here I am feeling fed, full, and still energized at the same time.

They were YELLOW! I mean really yellow. Yellowish-orange to be exact, like the color when the sun first begins to set. The color popped on my plate. The consistency of the eggs was so different from store-bought eggs as well. They were more dense and had less of the flimsy white stuff that I’m used to seeing so much of in my eggs. The taste wasn’t that different, it was slightly better but that may have been from mental bias. So the taste is comparable. The final difference is how I feel. I don’t know if it’s from the knowledge of eating from the farm and supporting local farmers that is giving me this amazing, energized feeling but I don’t really care. The feeling is here and I don’t normally get energized about eggs. I love to eat them but I don’t remember feeling this energized from them ever. Let’s see how long this lasts.

Needless to say, I’m sticking with the farm. Right now I’m only getting eggs and meat products (I’ll let you know how that goes), but in a month or two I will start to get fruit and veggies too. Bye bye Farm Fresh, hello farm-fresh :).


Anthony Jackson said...

Hooray a new and better tradition. Am jealous and convinced that I should do the same wherever I end up next. Not too many things growing out here in the desert though.

J_Sebron said...

Have you read "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan? Great book about food and what you've been experiencing.

CJ Nichol said...

I've heard of it but I doubt I could ever read a nonfiction book that long. I'll just ask you for the synopsis.